SWE Gives Thanks
Charlie Brown: We’ve got ANOTHER holiday to worry about. It seems Thanksgiving Day is upon us.
Sally Brown: I haven’t even finished eating all of my Halloween candy!
Linus van Pelt: Sally, Thanksgiving is a very important holiday. Ours was the first country in the world to make a national holiday to give thanks.
Sally Brown: [to Charlie Brown] Isn’t he the cutest thing?
Thanksgiving, while my favorite holiday, is certainly more than just “another holiday to worry about” or just another Charlie Brown special. With Thanksgiving, a much-needed three-day break, and “The Game” approaching next week, (S)WE took some time to reflect on the true meaning of this holiday and what our members are grateful for this season.
We asked members what they were thankful for — both within SWE and in their personal lives. Here’s a snapshot of what they said.
About SWE and school:
“I’m thankful for my SWE big! She’s so kind and helpful, and always makes time for us to hang out. She’s there for me through everything, whether it be school related or not, and when she can’t help me herself, she finds resources that can. Once she even got her boyfriend to help me with a CSE project that I was struggling with! I’m from out-of-state and struggled to make friends for the first few months, so I’m extremely thankful for my big because not only did I get a mentor, I got a friend.”
“The resources SWE provides me to be creative and make an impact on others”
“Pullin’ a 4.0 this semester 🙌🏼”
^(Congrats, girl, you go!)^
About Ohio State:
“My little sister got into OSU!”
“Ohio State football”
“Smaller libraries around campus”
About Personal Lives:
“My family”
“The people in my life who have shown me that they truly care about me”
“Being healthy!”
“The love of my life :)”
“My doggy who brings me so much happiness”
“My amazing roommate for dealing with my craziness and buying me snacks.”
Lastly, we asked members what they were most excited for about Thanksgiving/Thanksgiving Break, and the results were as follows:
- No Classes
- The food (obviously)
- Free time to spend with those I care about
- Black Friday
- OSU v. Michigan Football
And for those of you that are fans of the pie associated with the holiday, check out this short, nerdy, and fun video all about pie (charts):
In conclusion, Ohio State SWE would like to wish all of our members and their families a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you for all that you do for and add to our section. We are truly thankful for the amazing community we have here at Ohio State.