Oh! The Places OSU SWE Members Will Go!

Ohio State SWE
15 min readMay 8, 2022


Oh! the Places You’ll Go! graphic

OSU SWEsters are pursuing some exciting opportunities this year. (S)WE know they’ll be great; browse through this article to read about our members and the places they’ll go this year!

Full-Time Positions

Bridgette Wadge

Mechanical Engineering, 5th Year

Image of Bridgette Wadge, 5th Year
Bridgette Wadge

Bridgette is a 5th-year Mechanical Engineering major who will be starting a full-time job at General Mills as a Manufacturing Engineering Associate in Belvidere, IL this summer. She learned about this opportunity at the 2019 Engineering Expo!

A piece of advice: Remember that your impression of a recruiting interaction or interview is just as important as the company’s! If you love talking to the people from the company, you’ll probably fit in well with the company culture.

Why did you want to become an engineer: I wanted to become an engineer because I saw my big sister build and do amazing things as a Buckeye engineer!

Elise Jurkovich

Industrial and Systems Engineering, 4th Year

Picture of Elise Jurkovich, 4th Year
Elise Jurkovich

Elise is a 4th-year Industrial and Systems Engineering major working full-time in the Operations Management Leadership Development Program at Eaton after graduation. She learned about this opportunity through the WE21 Conference!

A piece of advice: Make sure your career will allow you to live the life you want to live and be the person you want to be.

Why did you want to become an engineer: I’ve always been very curious and have a passion for understanding how things work and solving problems!

Internship & Co-Op Positions

Aastha Gupta

Computer Science and Engineering, 4th Year

Picture of Aastha Gupta, 4th Year
Aastha Gupta

Aastha is a 4th-year Computer Science and Engineering major who worked as an Information Technology Co-Op at Marathon Petroleum this spring and will work as a Software Engineering Intern at Northrop Grumman this summer. She learned about these opportunities through ECS and WE19 respectively!

A piece of advice: You and your skills, willingness to learn, and personality matter SO much more than your grades! If a company is so hung up on the numbers associated with your schooling as opposed to what else you bring to the table, you probably don’t want to work for them anyway. Find a company that values YOU!

Why did you want to become an engineer: Because of my Dad! He’s also a computer scientist, solving problems where Wi-Fi is mission-critical using code! I knew early on that I wanted to be a problem-solver just like him, but it wasn’t until I spent a summer with Girls Who Code that I learned that I wanted to problem-solve via programming just like my dad!

Mallory Smith

Mechanical Engineering, 3rd Year

Image of Mallory Smith, 3rd Year
Mallory Smith

Mallory is a 3rd-year Mechanical Engineering major who worked as a Technical Engineering Intern at Universal Creative in Orlando, FL this past fall. She learned about this opportunity through a mentor from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

A piece of advice: Even though it can be scary sometimes, stick your neck out and meet new people! Building your network is crucial to finding the best opportunities for yourself, and you will get great advice along the way. Everyone’s path is different, but don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I love figuring out why things work and coming up with creative solutions that work. My attention to detail + my love for legos = mechanical engineering!

Cecilia Groves

Biomedical Engineering, 3rd Year

Image of Cecilia Groves, 3rd Year
Cecilia Groves

Cecilia is a 3rd-year Biomedical Engineering major who will be working as a Product Management Intern at Medline in Chicago, IL this summer. She learned about this opportunity through OSU SWE Instagram Alumni Takeovers.

A piece of advice: Don’t let the possibility of rejection stop you! This applies to searching for jobs and building your network. Finding the perfect position and company for your skill set and preferences will take some trial and error.

Why did you want to become an engineer: I designed and built a prosthetic leg in high school. This project showed me how fun and rewarding it is to come up with an idea and bring it to life!

Maddie Chandler

Food Engineering, 3rd Year

Image of Maddie Chandler, 3rd Year
Maddie Chandler

Maddie is a 3rd-year Food Engineering major who will be working as an R&D Engineering Intern at Nestlé in Fremont, MI this spring and summer. She learned about this opportunity through the Nestlé careers website and a professional mentor.

A piece of advice: Utilize your network! The connections you make can be so helpful in the internship/job hunt. Attending PD events, applying for SWE conference, and using LinkedIN are great ways to build your network! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and meet new people because it can help you in a plethora of ways!

Why did you want to become an engineer: My dad is an engineer and I always thought that what he did at work was so cool! I love working in teams and brainstorming tough projects, so engineering seemed like a natural fit!

Jessica Stiene

Material Science and Engineering, 3rd Year

Image of Jessica Stiene, 3rd Year
Jessica Stiene

Jessica is a 3rd-year Material Science and Engineering major who will be working as a Materials and Process Intern at Spirit AeroSystems in Wichita, KS this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the WE21 Conference.

A piece of advice: Just be you! Be yourself and know what you want from the company. They have to fit you as much as you fit with them.

Why did you want to become an engineer: I am a first gen engineer who despite not having STEM parents fell in love with astronomy in 3rd grade and has always been a science geek supported by her non-STEM family!

Erin Cowen

Biomedical Engineering, 3rd Year

Erin Cowen

Erin is a 3rd-year Biomedical Engineering major who will be working as a Clinical Engineer Intern at MIM Software in Cleveland, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through ECS/Handshake. This is Erin’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Make the most out of these opportunities. Learn, be curious, make mistakes, find your strengths and weaknesses, get a mentor, and have fun.

Why did you want to become an engineer: Engineers solve problems and this world has no shortage of problems. It’s deeply fulfilling to be able do work that solves problems and improves human health outcomes.

Leah Pultz

Aerospace Engineering, 4th Year

Leah Pultz

Leah is a 4th-year Aerospace Engineering major who will be working as a SIT&E Test Engineering Intern at Northrop Grumman Corporation in Palmdale, CA this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the SWE Career Fair.

A piece of advice: Talk to all the companies that you are interested in, even if you think you won’t get it!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I wanted to be a change in the world!

Abby Nichter

Computer Engineering, 3rd Year

Abby Nichter

Abby is a 3rd-year Computer Engineering major who will be working as a Data Analytics Intern at Bank of America in Charlotte, NC this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the virtual Grace Hopper Celebration.

A piece of advice: Expand your network! Search for OSU alum on LinkedIn at the company you want to work for and ask about their experiences. Prepare for interviews but don’t be afraid to be yourself — you don’t want to work for a company that expects absolute perfection!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I honestly never saw any other option! It’s definitely the natural path for someone who’s good at math/science, but I think having a wide array of useful knowledge makes me glad I stayed in engineering (even if I switched my major a couple times!)

Evie Price

Chemical Engineering, 2nd Year

Evie Price

Evie is a 2nd-year Chemical Engineering major who will be working as a Fabric & Home Care R&D Intern at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through her own research on the company’s website. This is Evie’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Make sure to be yourself in interviews and if you don’t have a lot of technical experience, just talk about the cool things you have done! I know I talked about improving our chicken coop during part of my interview which was not necessarily engineering related, but it made me memorable and showed off who I am as a problem-solver!

Why did you want to become an engineer: My dad was actually the associate director of R&D at P&G and has been retired for many years, but listening to his stories and passion about problem solving inspired me to follow in his footsteps and hopefully inspire another new generation of engineers in the future.

Kiley Grilliot

Civil Engineering, 3rd Year

Kiley Grilliot

Kiley is a 3rd-year Civil Engineering major who will be working as a Water Intern at MS Consultants in Columbus, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through applying on the company website.

A piece of advice: Be confident in yourself and your abilities! You are amazing and valued!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I loved the idea of combining creativity and design with math and science!

Addison DeJesus

Food Engineering, 2nd Year

Addison DeJesus, 2nd Year
Addison DeJesus

Addison is a 2nd-year Food Engineering major who will be working as a Training Development Intern at Dole in Salinas, CA this summer. She learned about this opportunity by researching internships. This is Addison’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Be confident and be yourself! Companies want people that are confident in their answers and excited about the position. So do your research to learn more about the position and the company. It’ll really show in an interview.

Why did you want to become an engineer: I never really thought of doing anything else. I love math and science, but I also want to make a difference in the world!

Ellie Williams

Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2nd Year

Ellie Williams, 2nd Year
Ellie Williams

Ellie is a 2nd-year Electrical and Computer Engineering major who will be working as an Engineering Co-Op at Toyota in Georgetown, KY this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the SWE career fair. This is Ellie’s first Co-Op!

A piece of advice: Keep searching, even when you feel like giving up! Even if it takes a million interviews and a million more applications; eventually someone will see your potential and allow you to shine!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I took two computer science/robotics classes in middle school and said “this is what I am meant to do”. Middle school me would be proud of where I am now :)

Ellie Spiewak

Biological Engineering, 1st Year

Ellie Spiewak, 1st Year
Ellie Spiewak

Ellie is a 1st-year Biological Engineering major who will be working as a Process Engineering Intern at 80 Acres Farms in Cincinnati, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through networking in her workplace. This is Ellie’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Always take advantage of the opportunities around you! Create relationships with people who are willing to aid you in your professional goals.

Why did you want to become an engineer: I have always been interested in biotechnology and natural sciences but I wanted to make a difference within these fields. I chose engineering in order to take charge within my career.

Tomasina DeLong

Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2nd Year

Tomasina DeLong, 2nd Year
Tomasina DeLong

Tomasina is a 2nd-year Industrial and Systems Engineering major who will be working as a Business Process Improvement Intern at Rockwell Automation in Milwaukee, WI this summer. She learned about this opportunity through Engineering Career Services and Handshake.

A piece of advice: Remember that YOU are a catch! While it might take a couple of interviews or applications before receiving an offer, don’t give up, and don’t settle if you know you won’t be happy

Why did you want to become an engineer: I have always loved collaboration and the analytical problem solving that engineering involves!

Rachel Varughese

Chemical Engineering, 2nd Year

Rachel Varughese

Rachel is a 2nd-year Chemical Engineering major who will be working as a Supply Chain/Manufacturing Intern at GE Aviation in Cincinnati, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the SWE Career Fair. This is Rachel’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Put yourself out there and good things will come to you!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I was always interested in creatively coming up with solutions to problems that can make a difference in people’s lives!

Abby Glover

Environmental Engineering, 2nd Year

Abby Glover, 2nd Year
Abby Glover

Abby is a 2nd-year Environmental Engineering major who will be working as a Water Resource Intern at Stantec in Columbus, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the SWE Career Fair. This is Abby’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Don’t let any set backs or rejections stop you from continuing your internship search. The most important person to believe in you is yourself! Be bold, be persistent and be your biggest fan even when it’s hard!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I always knew I had a passion for math and science and I loved to problem solve. My dad is an engineer is he’s my number one supporter and the one who inspired me to be an engineer! As soon as I realized I could implement my passion for the environment in engineering, I was sold!

Jayna Lonsway

Chemical Engineering, 2nd Year

Jayna Lonsway, 2nd Year
Jayna Lonsway

Jayna is a 2nd-year Chemical Engineering major who will be working as a Manufacturing/Chemical Engineering Intern at Dow in Freeport, TX this summer. She learned about this opportunity through an AiChE Info Session. This is Jayna’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Don’t be afraid to take risks. Make yourself known, be persistent, and you will be rewarded for that. Always stay true to yourself!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I am always up for an extra challenge, especially in STEM related subjects. I also love being surrounded by so many likeminded people!

Amanda Weiskind

Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Year

Amanda Weiskind

Amanda is a 2nd-year Mechanical Engineering major who will be working as an Attractions Operations Technology Intern at Universal Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the company careers website.

A piece of advice: Be patient! Application season is a stressful period, but give it time and everything will fall into place.

Why did you want to become an engineer: Engineering — especially in the entertainment industry — combines technical math and science skills with creativity! I would love to use my education to create memorable experiences for others.

Nicole Lippucci

Chemical Engineering, 2nd Year

Nicole Lippucci

Nicole is a 2nd-year Chemical Engineering major who will be working as a Regional Engineering Co-Op at Sherwin Williams in Cleveland, OH this summer. This will be her second rotation with the company! She learned about this opportunity through the SWE Career Fair.

A piece of advice: Don’t be afraid to show your personality and get to know the recruiter when talking with them at career fairs or during interviews!

Why did you want to become an engineer: Engineers have the ability to make the world a better place by solving everyday problems, and I knew I wanted to make a difference with my future career.

Sammy Stenger

Computer Science and Engineering, 2nd Year

Sammy Stenger, 2nd Year
Sammy Stenger

Sammy is a 2nd-year Computer Science and Engineering major who will be working as a Software Engineering Intern at 84.51 in Cincinnati, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through Engineering Career Services and Handshake. This is Sammy’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Don’t be afraid to apply for positions you aren’t 100% qualified for!

Why did you want to become an engineer: My high school Girls Who Code club showed me all the career possibilities!

Areebah Jamal

Computer Science and Engineering, 3rd Year

Areebah Jamal

Areebah is a 3rd-year Computer Science and Engineering major who will be working as an Information Technology Intern at Cardinal Health remotely this summer. She learned about this opportunity through Engineering Career Services and Handshake. This is Areebah’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Take advantage of the numerous resources/mentors around you! You can get super helpful tips from them and it can really help with your search process

Why did you want to become an engineer: I love solving problems and engineering is all about that. I also love how flexible it is and how you can really get into any field you want.

Lilly Des Rosiers

Environmental Engineering, 2nd Year

Lilly Des Rosiers, 2nd Year
Lilly Des Rosiers

Lilly is a 2nd-year Environmental Engineering major who will be working as an Environmental Engineering Intern at CDM Smith in Columbus, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the SWE Career Fair.

A piece of advice: Don’t be intimidated by the career fair! The recruiters are there to see you, so don’t be afraid to be yourself!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I wanted to apply my interest in sustainability and STEM to help tackle the world’s important problems In a meaningful way.

Isabel Slaven

Industrial and Systems Engineering, 3rd Year

Isabel Slaven

Isabel is a 3rd-year Industrial and Systems Engineering major who will be working as a Supply Chain Intern at Coca-Cola in Columbus, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through Engineering Career Services and Handshake. This is Isabel’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Keep applying! It takes a lot of searching to find what is best for you, but it’ll all be worth it when you click with a company and position you love!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I’ve always loved math and science, so I knew it was naturally a career to get into! I love the wide array of knowledge and useful problem-solving skills that could be applied anywhere!

Sam Ross

Chemical Engineering, 2nd Year

Sam Ross, 2nd Year
Sam Ross

Sam is a 2nd-year Chemical Engineering major who will be working as a Chemical Engineering Co-Op at Dow in Plaquemine, LA this summer. She learned about this opportunity through the WE21 Career Fair. This is Sam’s first co-op opportunity!

A piece of advice: Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and don’t get discouraged if something doesn’t go as well as you hoped! Be confident and be yourself and the perfect opportunity will present itself to you!

Why did you want to become an engineer: My brother is an engineer and he was my biggest role model growing up, so I wanted to follow in his footsteps! I also loved math and science and problem solving so I thought it was a perfect fit!

Julia Nutter

Environmental Engineering, 3rd Year

Julia Nutter, 3rd Year
Julia Nutter

Julia is a 3rd-year Environmental Engineering major who will be working as a Manufacturing Engineering Intern at Omega Engineering in Sunberry, OH this summer. She learned about this opportunity through Engineering Career Services and Handshake. This is Julia’s first internship opportunity!

A piece of advice: Start looking for internships early!! Ask your friends, classmates, advisors, and SWEsters for help!! ECS is a great resource for resume reviews!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I have always liked new challenges! Growing up math and science were always my favorite subjects.

Research Positions

Naseem Story

Biomedical Engineering, 2nd Year

Naseem Story, 2nd Year
Naseem Story

Naseem is a 2nd-year Biomedical Engineering major who worked as an Undergraduate Research Assistant at Agarwal Laboratory in Columbus, OH this past year. This was Naseem’s first research position! She learned about this opportunity through the OSU Department of Biomedical Engineering website.

A piece of advice: Don’t be afraid to reach out to people and build connections. There are so many opportunities, just make sure you are actively seeking them out!

Why did you want to become an engineer: I’ve always loved problem solving, discovery, and computation. This alongside my desire to help people made me want to pursue a career in engineering!



Ohio State SWE
Ohio State SWE

Written by Ohio State SWE

Our purpose is to empower women to advocate for themselves, promote diversity, and achieve their full potential as engineers and leaders.

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