Officer Highlights — Part 2
Here is the second edition of our Officer Highlights series! Be sure to say hi to any of these lovely ladies at the next monthly meeting or in passing around campus!
Amanda Slager
First, we will learn about our Big Little Coordinator, Amanda Slager. Whether you are a Big, a Little, or not part of a SWE Fam (yet!), you will certainly love reading about her and her adorable dog.
Hometown: Loveland, OH
Major: Chemical Engineering
Year: 3rd
Her reason for becoming Big Little Coordinator: “I ran for the Big Little Coordinator position because I am a firm believer that mentors are an invaluable resource for anyone in a new environment. I wanted to help expand the Big Little program within SWE to help the freshmen transition into college as well as into SWE. My favorite part of this position is getting to see all of the AWESOME Big Little relationships that form throughout the year. It makes me so happy to see all of the cool things that Bigs and Littles do together whether its at SWE events or outside of them.”
Ideas for post-graduation life: “I definitely want to go into industry, but I’m not sure which area yet. I interned with Smucker’s on consumer products and I loved it! However, I’m co-opping with ExxonMobil next fall to learn about the oil and petroleum industry. I’m not sure which I’ll like better or which I’ll end up at after graduation, but we’ll see! :)”
Favorite SWE memory: My first Societal SWE Conference in Austin, Texas. My first conference was so much fun! I loved getting to be surrounded by thousands of fellow SWEsters while at this conference. Everyone is all so supportive and wants to see you succeed as a women in engineering. This is probably when I really fell in love with SWE and I have never looked back!
Other Hobbies / Involvements: I am a member of Phi Sigma Rho sorority. I do undergraduate research in Dr. Jessica Winter’s lab on breast cancer. I also really enjoy playing the flute, however, I don’t have time to be in a band this semester. I also have started cooking a lot recently and I’m enjoying trying new recipes!
Favorite Spot on Campus: “To study: CBEC. In general: The Shoe.”
Favorite Snack: Dark Chocolate
A few final notes about Amanda: She was in the background of a James Corden video! Amanda also has a dog named Holly, who is her “little princess.” She is a 10 year old Papillon who is completely spoiled loved to death, according to Amanda, and is pictured below.
Yvonne Johnson
Next, we have Professional Development Director, Yvonne Johnson!
Hometown: Mount Laurel, NJ
Major: Computer Science and Engineering
Year: 3rd
Her reason for becoming PD Director: “When I first started my internship search I was really overwhelmed about the entire process. I had a wonder mentor who guided me and encouraged me to find my first internship. Now I want to be that person for someone else and empower other female engineers. I am also very passionate about women in STEM and want to help women succeed in their careers!”
Ideas for post-graduation life: “I’m hoping to work as a software engineer in an exciting industry!”
Favorite SWE memory: “My favorite SWE memory was when I got to go to regional conference (back when regions were a thing) my freshman year in Pittsburgh. Your first conference is such a magical experience! I learned a lot in the sessions, met tons of new engineers and got to know my fellow OSU SWE members even better!”
Other Hobbies / Involvements: Hiking and being outdoors! also going to the ARC to rock climb when possible
Favorite Spot on Campus: Orton library, it’s a really cozy library and they have free coffee during finals week!
Favorite Snack: popcorn
A final fun fact about Yvonne: She plays the saxophone!
Emily McDonel
Next, here is everything you’d ever want to know about our Alumni Director, Emily McDonel!
Hometown: Fairfield, OH
Major: Biological Engineering
Year: 3rd
Her reason for becoming Alumni Director: My mom is an Ohio State Engineering alumni with a B.S. in ISE, so I knew the impact Ohio State could have on people and how much alumni want to share their experience, but it is easy for them to lose track because of their career or even a name change. I wanted to and am still trying to make sure alumni are able to stay connected and make a positive impact on current members and stay in touch with a University and organization that will always be home.
Ideas for post-graduation life: I will hopefully be going into the food and beverage industry although grad school is still an option for me.
Favorite SWE memory: “Over the summer of 2018, I got the opportunity to go on the Dean’s engineering road show (as shown in the photo above). There I was able to meet so many engineering alumni as well as meet Dean Williams (the dean of the college of engineering)! This showed me the impact the college of engineering has on people. After talking with the alumni, I also learned the importance of diversity and was able to listen to some of their stories which were inspiring.”
Other Hobbies / Involvements: “I am an undergraduate researcher in the Andre Palmer Artificial Blood Research Lab currently working on developing nanoparticles that will work as a red blood cell substitute. I am also an avid sports fan with my favorite teams being the Cleveland Browns and the Cleveland Indians.”
Favorite Spot on Campus: CBEC. “The whole building. It’s beautiful.”
Favorite Snack: Reese’s Pieces
A final fun fact about Emily: She was an intern at the Hershey Company last fall!
Dana Gill
Do you know about SWE’s Societal and Local Conferences? Dana Gill sure does! Here are some details about our Conference Coordinator!
Hometown: Worthington, OH
Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Year: 3rd
Her reason for becoming Conference Coordinator: “I love and adore the conferences that SWE attends each year! Conference is an incredible experience with opportunities to excel professionally, and personally. We attend keynote events, seminars, career fairs, outreach events, and explore new cities together. Since I love conference so much, love planning events, and am very detailed and calm under pressure, I wanted to be able to help organize our trips. I am very passionate about making the experience the best it can be for our members and finding ways to take as many members to conference as possible! Conferences are my favorite part of SWE, so it has been a blast planning the trips to Minneapolis and Seattle this year!”
Ideas for Post-Graduation Life: “Post-graduation I want to utilize my problem-solving and engineering skills in a business leadership role. I hope to use my continuous improvement skills in an industry that affects the daily lives of people. Examples of industries I am currently interested in are healthcare or corporate banking. I hope to use my engineering skills in a productive way, while not holding a stereotypical engineering role.”
Favorite SWE Memory: ”My favorite SWE memory was the WeLocal conference to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania my freshman year. This was my first total immersion into the SWE world and I developed so many relationships with the other conference attendees and this was when I made the personal commitment to be very involved in SWE throughout my time at Ohio State.”
Other Hobbies / Involvements: “I hold an Executive Board position in the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) at Ohio State at the Cohort Director. I coach youth cheerleading through Worthington Youth Boosters. I teach Sunday School at Linworth United Methodist Church to preschoolers every other Sunday.”
Favorite Spot on Campus: My bed
Favorite Snack: Skyline
Here are a few final notes from Dana: She has the same name as her grandpa, Dana Gill!
Flo Piotrkowski
For our fifth and final highlight of this post, we will learn a little more about our Education Director, Flo Piotrkowski!
Hometown: Chardon, OH
Major: Chemical Engineering
Year: 2nd
Her reason for becoming Education Director: “I ran for this position because I think we forget to love learning. Engineering is really stressful and can sometimes make us not want to be at school or learn new things. But learning about new things and learning new skills is something we should love to do and constantly do!”
Ideas for post-graduation life: “I want to work in industry in Northeast Ohio! I want to enjoy my work, but most important to me is settling down near all my family and starting a family of my own! So overall goal: being a happy, working mom.”
Favorite SWE Memory: North High Brewery Tour — “It was so exciting to see people enjoy an event that I planned, and I had a great time learning about brewing.”
Other Hobbies / Involvements: “I do heterogeneous catalysis research in Dr. Ozkan’s lab in the Chemical Engineering Department. I am also an RA in Pomerene house, which is part of the Alumnae Scholarship Housing program. My hobbies include singing, musical theater, painting/crafting, swinging on swing sets, drinking copious amounts of expensive coffee, and playing Mario Kart.”
Favorite Spot on Campus: the high tables on the 4th floor of SEL
Favorite Snack: popcorn, asparagus, dark chocolate
A few final facts about Flo: She is not a fan of donuts due to a traumatic experience in her 2nd grade Girl Scout troop. She at SIX donuts in one sitting and became super sick. However, she blames the troop leader because “it was reckless to leave the donuts unsupervised.” Flo also has one dog Dexter, but “he pukes a lot and sheds every color of the rainbow so he is kind of annoying.” She also has three younger siblings who she also describes as annoying, but not for the same reasons as Dexter. Flo is the oldest, with a brother Will (18), a sister Louisa (15), and another brother Vince (11). Below are pictures of them from this past Thanksgiving!
Check back soon for more Officer Highlights soon!