Officer Highlights — Part 1
You see them at meetings, attend their events, and read their newsletter announcements, but how well do really know your 2018–2019 officers? With elections for next year approaching, we have gathered some fast facts about each officer to let you get to know them a little bit more before their terms are over!
Aimee Ulstad
First, we have our Faculty Advisor, Aimee Ulstad. You have likely heard her prompting questions at meetings or taken her Engineering Econ class, but here is some more info about our section’s biggest supporter!
Hometown: Marysville, OH
Degree: Mechanical Engineering
Her reason for becoming Faculty Advisor: “Lex Clark (an OSU SWE alumni) talked me into it.”
Ideas for retirement: retiring to Sanibel Island
Favorite SWE memory: SWE Retreats of the 1980s at Camp Akita
Other Hobbies: Cooking and Travel
Favorite Spot on Campus: the Oval
Favorite Snack: Oreos (In her own words, “I don’t buy them because I would eat the whole thing.”)
A few final notes about Aimee: She has a beagle named Newton who is “kind of old, but still thinks he is a puppy when he sees a squirrel.” Lastly, when asked for a fun fact about herself, Aimee said “I am ½ the age that I look.” Regardless of what she says, Aimee is a fabulously youthful woman and is an incredible member of our leadership team!
Allison Whitney
Next, we have Vice President, Allison Whitney!
Hometown: Chardon, OH
Major: Materials Science and Engineering
Year: 3rd
Her reason for becoming VP: “I like having a strong voice in SWE to keep pushing the organization to be more inclusive and accepting. Also, SWE has done so much for me and I love having the chance to give back.”
Ideas for post-graduation life: Might keep going for her masters. Might continue to work for GE. Might join the Peace Corps. Might move to Germany. (in other words….TBD)
Favorite SWE memory: The SWE conference in Austin, TX in the fall of her sophomore year.
“It was SO MUCH FUN to hear inspiring female engineers speak during the day and then explore a new city with all of my SWEsters at night.”
Other Hobbies/Involvements: Group fitness instructor at the RPAC (come visit her at 6:15AM on Mondays!), undergraduate researcher in a photovoltaic lab, Texnikoi Engineering Honorary, searching for fun coffee shops in Columbus (always looking for suggestions)
Favorite Spot on Campus: Grand Reading Room in Thompson or the MSE lounge on donut day
Favorite Snack: a green pepper
A few final notes from Allison: When asked for a fun fact and something she loved very much, she said the following: “This past summer I went skydiving in Poland! I jumped out at 4000m (2.5 miles) high and saw Russia and the Baltic Sea on my way down” Also, “I have family in Denmark that I love so so much but I had only met them once because they live 4,000 miles away but this summer I got the chance to see them twice! Pictured are my two aunts and me having a picnic at a jazz festival in Copenhagen.”
Lastly, Allison wants everyone to know that it’s never too late to get involved, in SWE or in another organization. She said, “I’ve found a wonderful family in SWE and I hope everyone gets the chance to find that in college.” So take a chance, get involved, and find your people!
Claire Penrose
Next, here is everything you’d ever want to know about our Secretary, Claire Penrose!
Hometown: Naperville, IL
Major: Chemical Engineering
Year: 3rd
Her reason for becoming Secretary: I love being able to communicate with everyone
Ideas for post-graduation life: None yet, but this semester she is on co-op with Lyondell Basell and this summer she will be working for Anheuser-Busch!
Favorite SWE memory: Going to conference and learning more about SWE, meeting past SWE members, and bonding with the current officers and other members who came with! It is such a great experience and was an opportunity to meet some of my best friends
Other Hobbies/Involvements: Engineering Ambassador, member of Kappa Alpha Theta, General Chemistry Lab TA, and research in a Process Engineering group
Favorite Spot on Campus: SEL café, CBEC 6th floor, Connecting grounds, or STARBUCKS on High (❤33)
Favorite Snack: Go-go Sqeeze applesauce, Wheat Thins, chocolate milk
A few fun facts about Claire: She was born in Seattle, and she loves her dog, Buddy, very much. In fact, Buddy was on the cover of the American Girl Doll magazine!
Lastly, Claire wanted everyone to know that you can email, text, or reach out to her in any way if you are interested in Secretary or want to learn more about SWE, her experience, or how to get involved!
Natalie Kennedy
For our fourth and final highlight of this post, we will learn a little more about our Career Fair Coordinator, Natalie Kennedy!
Hometown: Shaker Heights, OH
Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Year: 4th
Her reason for becoming Career Fair Coordinator: “I wanted to take on a larger role with career fair planning and experience what it’s like to be a SWE Officer! The career fair is where many OSU engineers get their internships/full time positions and its exciting to be a part of that!”
(Be sure to visit the SWE Career Fair on Wednesday, January 30th, 2019!)
Ideas for post-graduation life: I am working for Eaton after graduation as a part of their operations engineering leadership development program.
Favorite SWE Memory: WE18 in Minneapolis
Other Hobbies/Involvements: On campus she works in the engineering advancement office as an event planner.
Favorite Spot on Campus: Baker 211
Favorite Snack: Bread
A few final facts about Natalie: She knows all the U.S. presidents in order, and she has a schnoodle (schnauzer-poodle) named Jasper (shown below)!
Check back soon for more Officer Highlights! Until then, feel free to reach out to any of the lovely ladies featured above with any further questions or just say hi when you see them around campus!