How To LinkedIn 101 Pt.1
Nov 1, 2020
Why LinkedIn?
It is a great platform to market yourself, network with recruiters/employees, and learn about job opportunities.
- Make an account at
- Add a professional head-shot for profile picture
- Add in a summary, experience, education, skills, accomplishments
- Start connecting with people!
Step 1 Tips:
- Login to all your devices. This is a great way to motivate yourself to really use it or use it on the go.
- Dedicate time to LinkedIn at least once a week. This can help you grow your connections, learn about possible job opportunities, and keep your account updated with new information.
Step 2 Tips:
- Have a profile picture. It makes your account 14x times more likely to be viewed.
- Be the only one in the picture.
- Keep your outfit professional.
- Look approachable or have an inviting face expression.
- Don’t have any presentable pictures? Try getting a professional head-shot taken at the OSU Career Fairs, by photographers or family/friends.
Step 3 Tips:
- Add all your resume information into LinkedIn. Fill in any additional areas after.
- Anytime you change something on your resume, make sure to update your LinkdIn.
- Tips on each section will be in the upcoming posts!
Step 4 Tips :
- Try to set a goal to connect with a certain amount of people each week.
- Connect with fellow OSU students, coworkers, alumni and recruiters that you interacted with.
- Try to send a message along with the connection invitation, especially to those who are not students. This will it more likely that they will accept your invite and possibly start a lasting conversation.